How to do Proper Social Distance?

social distance

To practice social distancing… stay 6 feet away

In order to stop the spread of the coronavirus, we need to slow it down. And one of the best ways to do that is through social distancing, a public health intervention that encourages people to avoid well, other people. That means events with large crowds such as weddings, concerts, sports, have been cancelled. And places where people congregate publicly — like restaurants — are not seating customers. Even schools and offices are closing. The overall guideline for this best practice: stay six feet away.
Today in CNN News from Miami. A bunch of spring breakers who are like all in their teens or early 20s talking about how, like, they didn’t want to ruin their fun. But the thing is, young people can get this disease and not necessarily get the worse symptoms or necessarily die from it in high numbers, but they can disproportionately spread it to some of the most vulnerable people among us. And so you don’t want to be the cause of someone’s death.
The second one is to obey your public health department. This one, yes, there is a general recommendation or guideline from the federal government that we should not congregate in groups of 10 people. But depending on where you live, in your situation and in your city or state, the situation will look very different.
For example, in the Bay Area, people are being asked to shelter in place, which basically means like don’t leave the home under most conditions, if not necessary at all. So listen to your public health department or mayor’s office or sometimes governor’s office.
And remember, too, like the overall federal guidelines. Groups of 10 or more, you should really avoid it. And, you know, and also, like when in doubt, avoid, if you find yourself thinking, “Oh, do I really need to go see this person?” And if the answer is no, like, there’s just so much not known about this virus. And also because testing hasn’t been very good and widespread. We don’t know where it is. And unfortunately, right now in this really uncertain period where it is starting to spread exponentially, better safe than sorry may be a good place to start.
Commandment 3 is if you feel sick, any member of your household feels sick, or if you feel like you’ve been exposed to this virus, please stay home. Please quarantine yourself, or if you’re sick, put yourself in isolation and do not touch or contact or go near people who are not sick.
This is a big one too. Commandment 4, Social distancing is a little bit of a misnomer. It’s physical distancing. We’re supposed to be physically apart from one another. But that doesn’t mean we can’t care about each other and be checking on each other. So like social distancing does not mean emotional distancing, does not mean letting people be lonely by themselves, especially the older people who may not have a lot of mobility to begin with and are now even more isolated because, you know, we’re being told not to go near older people. So check in on them.
Commandment 5 is a simple one, too. We have to remember one number, actually five is six, because you’re supposed to say six feet away from other people. This virus spreads by droplets that spread out of your mouth and nose, especially when you cough or sneeze. And six feet is like the splash zone. So if you can, if you have to go out, try to maintain six feet of distance between other people.



Meal Replacements :A Diet Solution?

nutri meal

I came across an article about How Good Are Meal replacements in order to loose weight. I am honest with you to admit I am a meal replacement user.
I will not mention exactly the product I am using but I have believed on its effectiveness. I am quoting this line from their site :

” The main focus behind any meal replacement shake is supplying enough calories that a person requires and using hunger blocking ingredients so that you do not keep rushing for unhealthy cookies. However, as millions of people struggle with overweight and keep searching for the best meal shakes, the fitness industry niche has attracted a lot of interest with new products being designed and getting released to the market.” (meal shake)

Another blog has this contents:

Meal replacements are being used more and more these days due to our busy and rushed lifestyles. But are they good for use in a weight loss program or do they just make things worse?

Think about the number one reasons why people are overweight nowadays. Overweight people fall into one of two different categories.

Either they have an unhealthy lifestyle – working long hours, eating out all the time, not getting enough exercise. Or they simply eat too much, often in a compulsive way.

This type of eating – eating when one isn’t hungry, for example, or eating for emotional reasons rather than physical hunger – is really a type of addiction. It should be understood as an addiction, and it often is.

For example, the group Over eaters Anonymous functions on many of the same principles as AA or other twelve-step programs. Excessive eating is treated like an addiction because that’s exactly what it is.

But if that’s the case, it’s easy to see why this addiction might be harder to treat than some others. The way to deal with an addiction is to stay away from the behavior that’s out of control – alcoholics can’t touch alcohol, for example. The idea is to not do it at all until the addiction becomes a thing of the past. In fact, for many addicts, they can never indulge in their addictive behavior again, not even once.

With food addiction, though, that’s obviously impossible. People have to eat – there’s no getting away from it. That’s why food addiction, though it’s an addiction to a non-lethal substance, may be the hardest of all to deal with. And that’s also why companies such as Slim-fast, who produce and market meal replacements for people to use while dieting to lose weight, actually do succeed in helping some people.

The idea behind meal replacements is that you don’t really eat at all for a good part of the day. Instead, you have a special shake or other product that gives you all the nutrients you need and stops you from feeling hungry. This works in two ways: first, it controls the calories you take in because the meal replacements are quite low calorie. Second, it breaks the cycle of addictive behavior because you’re not really eating.

You can get away from the behavior much as an alcoholic can (and must) get away from alcohol. That gives you a better chance of breaking the addictive process.

Though most meal replacement plans do recommend that you eat one ‘normal’ meal per day, some people who are serious about losing weight don’t do even that. That’s precisely how Oprah Winfrey once lost a lot of weight – about fifty pounds. She said that she found it easier not to eat at all (subsisting on meal replacement shakes and bars) than to control her eating.

When you know that you won’t be eating ‘real food’ at all for a while, it takes the guesswork out of it. Everything becomes very straightforward, and it’s a fact that many people have lost weight using this method of weight loss.

There are drawbacks, though. For one thing, while a weight loss program is supposed to teach you about how to eat for the rest of your life – to establish healthy habits, in other words – using meal replacements clearly doesn’t do so. Once you go back to eating real food, you might find that your problems with controlling your food intake are still there. Though you will have lost weight, you are more likely to gain it back if you haven’t learned healthy eating habits.

Also, there’s a danger that some people will keep on using the meal replacements for extended periods of time, just because it’s easier and more convenient. Though they’re redesigned to give you a minimum level of calories and nutrition, meal replacement bars cannot substitute for real food over an extended period.

However, if you know or suspect that your problem with food resembles an addiction or compulsion, it may be worth your while to think about using meal replacements for a while in order to lose some weight. Try to make the time you spend using them as productive as possible, though. Really come to terms with your past behavior, and learn what it feels like to be full but not stuffed. Figuring out the answer to these and other aspects of healthy eating will help make your weight loss permanent.


How To Make Your Kids Love Veggies


veggies for kids

As some of you moms have surely witnessed, kids more often eat when they’re hungry and stop eating when they’re full. In other words, children are naturally following their internal cues so parents should try not to undo this healthy intake by encouraging kids to eat past the point of fullness.

Teaching children to stay tuned into their own hunger and fullness indicators allows them to have a comfortable relationship with food and avoid overeating as they grow older.

But in this world of aggressive junk food marketing, it can prove difficult to keep kids on the path of wellness, much less convince them that a plate full of fresh, colorful vegetables can be as tasty as a bowl of sugary cereal.

This is where we parents need to get inventive. After all, the habits our children develop at a young age are the ones they’re likely to carry with them into the rest of their lives.

Reinvent the Wheel
I love encouraging kids to look at vegetables differently. One of the fastest and most creative ways to do this is by asking kids to assist you in making pizza—with veggie toppers, of course! You can even do a grain swap and use a head of cauliflower to make the base and create a veggie full pizza crust that you and your kids can then top with whatever you’d like (thinly sliced eggplant on mine, please).

Another way to get kids to view vegetables in a new light is to make pasta veggies.

in pasta

You can either spiralize a zucchini with a spiralizer or a vegetable peeler or bake a spaghetti squash and top a mound of the spaghetti-like strands with marinara sauce, meatballs, and Parmesan.

Remember to never deceive kids with these recipes. Provide full disclosure (during or after eating) that they are made with vegetables so that kids learn to appreciate their diversity and flavor while never feeling like they’re being tricked.


Play With Your Food
We all enjoy being able to pick and choose what ingredients we want in our salads and then adding dressing and toppings as if we were at our favorite frozen yogurt shop. So why not bring that same experience home with fresh, colorful veggies chopped up and placed in serving bowls?

Add a healthy salad dressing or two (along with some nutritious toppings that are fun to sprinkle) and you’ve got a new way to make family dinnertime a lot more playful, not to mention healthy. Plus, kids often enjoy helping to set up this homemade salad bar before partaking in it.

celery boats

Kids can also use different vegetables to create fun objects like celery boats. Fill celery stalks with low-fat cream cheese and top with red pepper “sails.” They can also cut veggies into strips and other shapes and then use them to design faces or artwork on whole-wheat mini pitas topped with nut butter, light cream cheese, or ranch dressing.

Crazy Truths Eyebrows Are Telling People About You

bold brows

Naturally Bold Brows
Just looking at Cara Delevingne makes you think that she’s a forward-thinking, assertive woman—and that’s because of her strong eyebrows. If you’ve got ’em too, then you likely have a ton of self-confidence, are very decisive, and work hard to get things done—there’s no point in lollygagging, as far as you’re concerned.

The downside: It’s pretty easy to piss you off, and it doesn’t take much for you to feel frustrated. Every once in a while, try to take a few deep breaths. Not everyone feels quite as confident as you in their decision-making process, so give ’em a few seconds to get on your level before moving forward.

naturally thin
Naturally Thin Brows
Cara may be in Taylor Swift’s squad, but their eyebrows are speaking different languages. Taylor’s are way thinner naturally, and if yours are too, then you may struggle with making decisions and like to get input from others before moving forward with a concrete plan. It may also mean that you have self-confidence issues, so surrounding yourself with friends who lift you up is wise. And since you like to take as few risks as possible, you carefully visualize how situations might play themselves out—which, in Taylor’s case, makes sense because her new Wildest Dreams video looks a whole lot like the VMAs-winning Blank Space. Hey, if it ain’t broke…right, Tay?

not so thin

Not-So-Naturally Thin Brows
Girl, if you’re over-plucking your eyebrows, we want you to stop. Not only is it not on trend, but it also reduces all the good qualities that ladies with bold brows have (see the assertive, uber-confident description above). Researchers also recently discovered that this type of brow grooming can lead others to believe that you’re narcissistic. General rule of thumb: let those beautiful brows be as full as you can—they look gorgeous in their natural shape.

curved brows
Curved Brows

All hail, Queen B! While she definitely has some boldness going on—explaining her run the world persona—it’s Beyonce’s eyebrow shape that has us intrigued. The curved roundness to them means she—and you, if you’re mimicking the same look—wants to create as many win-win situations as possible. That makes you a savvy business person, and someone people like to be around and work with.

You have a natural warmth that radiates off you, and scientists even discovered that eyebrows like yours (high on the inner brow) tell others that you’re totally trustworthy. So don’t be afraid to host the next book club at your place—people tend to feel very comfortable when you’re around, and you usually go the extra mile to make sure they’re well taken care of.

straight brows

Straight Brows
You’re a very intellectual type, a woman who likes to be logical and make decisions based on facts, rather than emotions. This is great for your professional development, as it’s unlikely for you to let your personal feelings cloud your judgment. Impulsive decisions aren’t really your thing, so don’t be afraid to pair up with a friend—one with peaked brows, perhaps—who will help you loosen up every now and again and experience things in the moment.

Queen’s Eyebrows
These are brows that are naturally higher up on your face, rather than almost immediately above the eye, and they signal perfectionism (which might be why Olivia Wilde always seems to look #flawless). Usually the person with them sets high expectations for themselves and the people around them, so you’re definitely a go-getter who gravitates toward working independently instead of in a group.

If that sounds like you, just keep in mind that you may come off as intimidating, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing—it’s actually a strong trait to have when trying to land a big deal or nab that promotion. And even though you might not love everything people pick out for you (you’re likely the re-gifter of the bunch), you also have the best manners—so no one will ever know.

peaked brows

Peaked Brows
If you’ve got upside-down Vs like Jamie King, you’re someone who thinks, learns, and reacts at warp-speed. You tend to go wherever your emotions take you, and don’t always stop to think things through. Again, this isn’t always a bad thing—you’re the perfect person to make gut-check, game-time decisions. And in your personal life, well, you’re definitely the most spontaneous; friends come running when they’re ready for a night of fun and laughter.

not matched with hair

Brows That Don’t Match Your Hair
Let me take a step back, because you—and Rita Ora—are ready to take center stage. Jumping on a big beauty trend like this, where you don’t go all matchy-matchy with your hair, means you aren’t afraid to take risks or get noticed. Because the more noticeable your eyebrows are, the more “large and in charge” you appear to be. In other words, if you’re in a situation where you need people to instantly notice that you are a driven woman who won’t mess around, this is the look you should go for.
