Nine (9) things to get along well with your Partner

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A healthy marriage relationship is one that is not always easy and one which there is no dispute between partners. The closest and longest married couples are committed to solving contentions in a mature way and grow together as a human being and as a lover. Here are some things that couple marriage experts advise most often to couple to strengthen their bond .

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1. Praise your spouse in front of others
Couples who maintain healthy relationships talk positively about each other in front of friends, children, relatives, and colleagues. This is the opposite of what happens in bad relationships. ‘My husband is very good at helping me.’, ‘My wife is really good at cooking.’ It is a good way to maintain a close and intimate relationship with the same words spontaneously popping out.

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2. It takes time to be together even when it is busy.
Good couples say they regularly take time out for each other in their daily lives. Spend time with your dog, take a walk together, talk after your child is asleep, watch your favorite TV shows, or pray together.

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3. Often smile
Smile a lot with each other. One of them is acting to brighten the mood, so it’s hard to be upset for a long time. I need to talk about serious topics when I need them, but the sense of humor is tremendously helpful in maintaining a healthy relationship. People who laugh a lot and are generally not too serious can easily enjoy a healthier relationship.

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4.Appreciate each other of the positive aspect rather than continuing to talk about the negative aspects of your partner.

You could have a couple of complaints about your marriage. But in most cases people have similar problems like other couples. Good couples see the good side of the opponent rather than the complaint, and express it immediately if there is something thankful for the opponent.

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5. If there would be winners in arguments, let it be your partner.
Disagreements are normal in a relationship. Couples who always sympathize with each other and listen with each other tend to overcome common misunderstandings in all relationships. If you have these conflict management skills, you may feel that your partner is listening, understanding and appreciating when you say, “I do not agree with you, but I understand you and understand why you feel that way.”

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6. Always tell your whereabouts
Don’t let your spouse neglected. If you tell your whereabouts through a short phone call or text, or and when you have an appointment with your friends, you can improve your marital status and help your partner feel at ease.
7.Don’t fail to be romantic
It’s a way for couples to enjoy each other’s love and excitement. If you do not tempt each other, the relationship becomes plain and boring. Good couples always try to attract each other.

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8. Fight Clean During Arguments
Improve your discussion. Be careful not to blame, not to stigmatize, not to discourage. Insert a joke at a most difficult time. When the couple spoke to each other, be careful with hurting words. A good couple always loves and respects each other.

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9. Forgive and surrender without grudging
You should not have any emotional distance from each other . Be responsible for your own mistakes, apologize and cross over. Even if you disagree about something just an hour ago, enjoy your life together.